What’s the most tedious part of traveling in airlines? No access to Internet or network!
As soon as we board a flight, we are ordered in most graciously way to switch off our phones and endure a short/long trip, sometimes of 3/4 hours without using the web or other sources of entertainment.
The SpiceJet airlines have offered a brand-new service of in-flight entertainment (IFE) to break the monotony of traveling and has named it ‘Spice Engage.’
This service of internally available entertainment package was launched by two other airlines a few years ago and is efficient in giving the passengers a fun flying memoir.
With this service, you can easily access multiple entertainment and fun programs while flying 36000 feet above the ground level at no additional cost.
What Is Spice Engage?
The Spice Engage is recently launched by the SpiceJet to give its passengers an experience of not just a fantastic flying but a memorable fun experience as well.
The idea behind the IFE was to remove the boredom of passengers while traveling.
It was earlier, in late 90’s constituted with food, drinks, and beverages.
With the technologically advanced change, it has now become the need of the hour to give full-fledged leisure package to the passengers by offering them the best of flying experience.
This service won’t add much to the costing of the air tickets.
Easy Steps to Get Full-Fledged Booming Entertainment
All you need to do to avail the SpicEngage services is to turn on the airplane mode in your devices.

Follow this by turning on the Wi-Fi and searching for spice engage. Connect to it and enjoy unlimited and uninterrupted entertainment in the air throughout your travel journey.
A vast variety of fun programs are compiled together to form a package which fits in everyone’s requirement.
The in-flight entertainment can work on smartphones, laptops and iPads.
They connect well irrespective of Android or iOS devices; the only requirement is a smartphone which has a Wi-Fi feature.
To enjoy the shows or short movies on a bigger screen, you can connect to your laptops or iPads.
Fun Sections of The In-Flight Entertainment Package
The various programs included in the package are web series, cartoons, short videos and stand-up comedy.
There are other fun sections for entertainment which include play section, explore section and read section.
The web series include Permanent Roommates, What the Folks and Aam Aadmi Family. The cartoons like Chota Bheem and Super Bheem will entice and engage your child during the long journey.
There are many short videos of filter copy, shitty ideas trending and others.
The game section has fun games for children, hot meals and ancillary services are in explore part, and lastly, the read section has city guides of mainly seven big cities, details of the airline and aviation news.
To sum it up, everything for everyone.
The fun-packed package of movies, web series, shows, games, and reading material is free of cost for the passengers.

This idea of engaging passengers in watching shows and games is dramatic and applauded step in the airline industry.
Airline journeys are considered boring, and lack of joyful measures to enjoy the long traveling has been a drawback.
Now, we can enjoy being in the airlines, flying high in the sky between the clouds and won’t regret paying a substantial amount for a ticket for enduring boredom.
The package will also encourage other airlines to launch such services to remain in the completion and may lead to offering even better services to the passengers, which ultimately will boost the traveling experience and give maximum satisfaction for paying off well.
Have you ever used Spice Engage while on the go! if yes, share your experience.
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